
The Tokhu Emong

The appointed date of Tokhu Emong shall be proclaimed by the Priests. On the same day in the evening after sunset, the priest’s proclamation of the young male sleepers in the morung in the manner:

O……..Ojyu-kujyu-nung jo…..

Dukhudav kila………

Oyana Emvu-eri dilithokhe je…….

This means to say: On the 10th day from today, we shall be celebrating the Tokhu Emong; No one in the village should commit anything that is taboo.

From this day till the appointed date is over, no visitor from outside the village is allowed to enter the vilage. If anyone enter the village after the proclamation he will be released only after the appointed date is over. The Kyong villages provided Circular Roads so that the travelers shall avail these roads during such periods.